Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL


Parapet is a non selective contact herbicide, belongs to bipyridylium family and is used as pre-planting or pre sowing blanket spray to control weeds in Crop of rice, maize and wheat and is post emergence, directed spray on weeds in Crop of sugarcane, cotton, potato, apple and tea with flat fan/ flood jet nozzle.

Technical Name: Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL

Mode of Action: Parapet is a non selective Contact herbicide, absorbed by the foliage, with some translocation in the xylem. During photosynthesis superoxide generated, which damages cell membranes and cytoplasm.

Features and Benefits: 

  • Parapet is a non-selective, fast acting, contact herbicide, absorbed by the foliage.
  • It has rapid action and within minutes of application it gains non-washing off properties.
  • It is safe to environment.
  • Biologically inactive when comes in contact with soil.

Packing available: 500 ml, 1 L


CropTarget WeedDose/acre (L)Dilution in water (L/acre)Waiting Period (Days)
Tealmperata, Setaria sp., Commelina benghalensis, Boerraria hispida, Paspalum conjugatum0.32 - 1.780-160Not Necessary
PotatoChenopodium sp., Angallis arvensis, Trianthema monogyna, Cyperus rotundus, Fumeria parviflora0.43- 0.85200100
CottonDigera arvensis, Cyperus iria, Trianthema monogyna, Corchorus sp., Leucas aspera, Euphorbia sp.0.5 - 0.8200150-180
RubberDigitaria sp., Eragrostis sp., Fimbristylis sp.0.5 -1270-
RiceEchinochloa crusgalli, Cyperus iria, Ageratum conyzides, Commelina benghalensis, Marsilea, quadriofoliata, Brachiaria mutica0.5-1.4100-
WheatGrassy & Broad leaf weeds1.7200120-150
GrapesCyperus rotundus, Cynodon dactylon, Convolvulu sp., Portulaca sp., Tridax sp.0.820090
Aquatic weed Eichhornia crassipes1.7240 -400
Typha latifolia1.7-3.4240 -400-