Bifenthrin 10% EC


Bidyut is a broad spectrum synthetic pyrethroid insecticide having contact and stomach action against bollworm and sucking pest white fly in Cotton and leaf folder, green leaf hopper & stem borer in Rice, termite in Sugarcane.

Technical Name: Bifenthrin 10% EC w/w

Mode of Action: Bidyut has contact and stomach action on insects. Bifenthrin is a Type I pyrethroid that affects the central and peripheral nervous system by interfering with sodium channel gating.

Features and Benefits:

  • Bidyut is a broad spectrum new generation insecticide of Pyrethroid group.
  • Bidyut controls a wide range pf insects including bollworm, stem borer, termite and more.
  • Bidyut has phyto-tonic effect which means that it improves the vigor and keeps the crop healthy.
  • Bidyut has contact and stomach action acting against insects like sucking and chewing pests.

Packing available: 500 ml, 1 L


CropPestDose/acre (ml)Dilution in water (L/acre)Waiting Period (Days)
RiceStem borer, Leaf folder, Green leaf hopper20020021
CottonBollworm, White Fly32020015
Sugar caneTermite40020010