Pyriproxyfen 10% EC


Pyriproxyfen is a systemic insect growth regulator that suppresses embryogenesis, and inhibits metamorphosis and reproduction in insects.

Technical Name: Pyriproxyfen 10% EC

Mode of Action: 

  • Frill is a insecticide with Pyriproxyfen which belongs to group of aromatic ether.
  • It mimics a natural hormone in insects and disrupts their growth.
  • It is a type of insect growth regulator that affects mostly young insects and eggs.

Features and Benefits:

  • Frill belongs to Pyridine group of insecticide and is a IGR. 
  • Frill is recommended for the control of sucking pests like White Fly, Aphids on Cotton and Chili crops.
  • Frill is a selective insect growth regulator having Stomach, Contact and Translaminar action.

Packing available: 1 L


CropPest            Dose/Acre (ml)             Dilution in water (L/acre)             Waiting Period (Days)
CottonWhite fly                    200                             200                             50 
BrinjalWhite fly and Jassids                    200                             120                              7
OkraWhite fly and Jassids                    200                             120                              7
ChiliWhite fly and aphids                    200                             200                              7