Carbofuran 3% CG​


Credo 3G is a broad spectrum carbamate insecticide/nematicide and miticide having systemic action. It contains 3% active ingredient Carbofuran.

Technical name: Carbofuran 3% CG

Mode of action: Credo 3G controls the insects by its contact as well as stomach action absorbed by the plant roots and moved systemically to the plant system to control root feeding as well as foliar pests.

Features and Benefits:

  • Credo 3G is a broad-spectrum insecticide/nematicide used for the control of a wide range of foliar and soil pests and nematodes of major crop.
  • Credo 3G gives long-lasting protection against nematode at recommended doses.
  • Credo 3G ensures healthy root growth.

Packing available: 1 kg, 5 kg


CropPestDose/acre (kg)
BajraShoot fly20
BarleyAphid, Jassids, Cyst Nematode13.32, 16.64, 13.2
MaizeStem borer, Shoot fly, Thrips, Cut Worm13.32
PaddyBrown Plant Hopper, Green Leaf Hopper, Stem Borer, Whorl Maggot, Gall Midge Hispa10
SorghumShoot fly, Stem borer13.32, 3.32
GroundnutPod Borer, White Grubs20/13.32
SoybeanWhite Fly, Root Knot Nematode, Agromyzid Fly20 26.64 13.32
SugarcaneTop Borer13.32
Brinjal/OkraRoot Knot Nematode26.64
chiliReniform Nematode20
PotatoAphid Jassids Potato tuber Moth16.64 13.32
Citrus/PeachNematode/Citrus Leaf Minor4.8/20
WheatCereal cyst Nematode26.64
CottonJassids Grey Weevil Stem Weevil10 13.32
PeaPea Shoot Fly Pea Aphid13.32
TomatoWhite Flies16
TobaccoStem Borer Root Knot Nematode Green Peach Aphid20 13.32 20