Pymetrozine 50% WG


Knot is a new class of systemic insecticide, for the control of brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens in rice.

Technical name: Pymetrozine 50% WG

Mode of action: Knot has immediate and effective control on all types of rice brown plant hoppers BPH. It has systemic and translaminar action which gives a longer duration of control. It immediately blocks feeding, paralyzes muscles, and prevents immediate egg laying of BPH.

Features and Benefits:

  • Knot provides 12-15 Days of control of BPH.
  • Knot prevents population build-up of BPH, which enables extended control with reduced further spray requirement.
  • Knot also controls those rice BPH in an effective way that has developed resistance against existing BPH products.
  • Knot controls virus-transmitting plant hoppers, inhibiting the transmission of plant viruses.
  • Knot is recommended to use knot at the early booting stage followed by the next application after 15 Days in highly infested conditions.

Packing available: 120 g, 250 g, 500 g, 1 kg


CropPestDose/acre (g)Dilution in water (L/acre)Waiting Period (Days)
PaddyBrown plant hopper12020019