Thiamethoxam 25% WG​


Scout is a broad spectrum systemic insecticide having quick stomach and contact action. It belongs to a unique neonicotinoid group that controls sucking and chewing pests.

Technical name: Thiamethoxam 25% WG

Mode of action: Scout has systemic and contact action After uptake of Thiamethoxam, the sucking pest stops feeding and even if death is delayed for 24 hours, the effects are comparable to knock-down compounds, since the feeding stop is irreversible. Affected sucking insects do not penetrate the plant tissue again.

Features and benefits:

  • Scout has a long systemic effect i.e., immediately after spray it is absorbed by the plants and thus gives longer protection to the sprayed crop.
  • Scout by controlling insect- vectors of diseases, also prevents the spread of diseases; like leaf curl in cotton.
  • Scout is highly systemic & well suited for application as a foliar spray, drench, or drip irrigation.
  • Scout is characterized by its rapid uptake and is fast-acting regardless of dry or wet conditions ensuring high-performance levels.

Packing available: 100 g, 250 g, 500 g, 1 kg


CropPestDose/acre (g)Dilution in water (L/acre)Waiting Period (Days)
RiceStem borer, Gall midge, Leaf folder, WBPH40200-30014
CottonJassids, Aphid, Thrips, White flies80200-30021
OkraJassids, Aphid, White flies40200-4005
TeaMosquito bug40160-2007

40 (foliar application)

80 (Soil drench)

200 77
Rice- NurseryGreen Leaf Hopper, Thrips & Whorl Maggot800250ml/sq. m14