Mycorrhizal Biofertilizers


ROODS constitutes a group of root obligate biotrophs that exchange mutual benefits with about 80% of plants. They are considered natural biofertilizers, since they provide the host with water, nutrients, and pathogen protection, in exchange for photosynthetic products.

Technical Name: Mycorrhizal Biofertilizers

Mode of action: ROODS contains beneficial fungi that grows in association with plant roots, and exists by taking sugars from plants 'in exchange' for moisture and nutrients gathered from the soil by the fungal strands.

Features and Benefits:

  • Increase water & nutrient absorption capacity of roots.
  • Increases Fertilizer use efficiency.
  • Enhances soil biodiversity soil fertility & productivity.
  • Improves stress tolerance to biotic & abiotic conditions.

Packing available: 4 kg


Crop: All Crop

Dose: 4  kg/acre

Time of application: From sowing to early root development stage.